Hi Friends! Today, I'm excited to share details on a baby food brand we've known and trusted since Winston was born. With Winston being our first baby, and both Jared and I not having a lot of friends with kids, we really didn't know what brand was going be "best" or "right" for our family in regards to feeding him baby food. What I wound up doing is going to our local grocery store, seeing what was offered, and looking at the ingredients on the label. I knew I wanted real ingredients without any additives or "extras" you might say. I wanted to know exactly what he was eating.
I was initially drawn to the cute honeypot Beech-Nut® Naturals™ jars with the bright green lid. I could see the color and texture of the purees in each jar, and the ingredients list was short and recognizable. So we tried it out... and kept going back for more.
We started Winston on the Stage 1 single ingredient solid food first, and eventually graduated him to the Stage 2 multiple ingredient purees. Winston is 21 months now, and his favorite has been and still is just apple & kale. And while he can also eat more hearty foods than purees, Beech-Nut® Naturals™ has remained part of his daily diet. There are so many reasons why, but I'll share just a few with you.
1. We like give him food he actually likes, that tastes good, and is good for him. All the ingredients in Beech-Nut® Naturals™ are non-GMO, natural, and simply prepared with ingredients like fresh apples and pears. They are pureed cold to protect flavor and nutrients, and it is clear that Winston can taste the difference!
2. It's a great way to get his fruits and veggies. Don't get me wrong, he's a great eater, we are very lucky. But raw veggies can be tough for a teething baby to eat. Because Beech-Nut® Naturals™ are 100% natural and made with real fruits and vegetables, we feel like we're doing the mom & dad duty in giving him the nutrients his little body needs.
3. You may laugh at this, but it's a great way to help Winston learn how to use silverware. We used to feed him each bite, but now we hold the jar and he takes the bites at his pace and gets a little more coordinated each time.

Before he takes a bite, he always does one taste test with his finger. No matter the flavor, it's always the same process. We always laugh so hard.
Beech-Nut® Naturals™ is made with real fruits and vegetables, just like you would use at home. Let me know if you try these out at YOUR home. I always love hearing your thoughts.
As always, thanks for stopping by!
xo, Crystal Marie
Thank you Beech-Nut® Naturals™ for sponsoring this blog post.