Fall Favorites for Desert Living ~ Interstate Style

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Fall Favorites for Desert Living

Las Vegas finally hit below 70 degrees last week (during the day). Now is the in between time, where I'm not quite ready for chunky sweaters and furry boots everyday, so I've been looking for some light outerwear and shoes to hold me over. I've picked a couple of my favorite pieces from Gamiss, and if you live in the desert like me, these are a good start to your Fall "inbetweener" wardrobe :) If you live somewhere that is already freezing cold, then you might be ready for some "boots with the fur" and a cute puffer jacket or two. They have a variety of choices to fit your cold weather needs. Check them out!

Happy Shopping!
  one // two

 one // two


  1. Oh I really like those choices. I know what you mean about the in between weather it's nice to just have a light jacket for that type of weather.

    Lennae xxx

  2. These are some great choices. I really love the lower cut boots and would love to have another pair myself.

  3. What a gorgeous set of boots .Love both of them .I ma getting the black one.

  4. First of all, I'm so jealous of your warm weather and will continue to be for the next 6 months :P Here in the Upper Midwest, it's all crazy cold already and it doesn't let up (snow/ice/windchill) until May. Yucky. Your warm weather fall style is gorgeous!

    1. Brrr. So Sorry. I love warm weather and fall style too.

  5. Love that black jacket! And the booties are fab!

  6. That black jacket is everything! I love a good outfit.


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